WUAFC 5 A Side Tournament

18 Aug

We are excited to run our annual 5 Aside tournament again this year.

When:   Saturday 14th September from 10am to 2pm

Where:  Bremworth Park

Please chat with your coaches about entering teams for this neat event which formally ends our season. This event is open to all grades from First Kicks -13th Grade. Enter a parents team if you dare.

Teams are to register via email to wuafc.secretary@gmail.com.Please let Suzette know the name of your team and names of the players so that she can ensure the correct enry fee is made. Teams should have a minimum of 5 players and maximum of 8 players with an entry fee of $5 per player.

Registrations close on 8 September.

SPOT PRIZES - we are always seeking donations of prizes for this event. If you are able to donate any prizes, this would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Evan at wuafc.president@gmail.com