Western United AFC Talent Centre - Term 1 2025

Our Talent Centre registrations for Term 1 2025 open on November 1 2024.
Western United AFC invite parents to register for our 8 week footballl skills sessions at Bremworth Park using Friendly Manager by clicking the link in the top right hand corner of website homepage. These sessions are for players from 8th-13th grades at a cost of $100 for the term. Sessions cater for all levels of ability.
- Skills sessions - will be over 8 weeks from Monday 10 February 2025 to Monday 31 March 2025 from 4:15-5:15pm (weather permitting).
- Communication - We use the app Coach Mate for our team communication & activity planning.
- Payment - Full payment of $100 must be made by first training. If there any discussions regarding payments, please direct them to our secretary wuafc.secretary@gmail.com. Total $100 per child.
- Feedback Form - At the end of the training term, we will send out a form for all comments on how you and your child felt. This helps for future sessions
Thanks once again for your interest in our WUAFC Talent Centre. We can't wait to meet you all, both old faces and new.
Western United AFC Committee
Follow these steps
1) Head to the homepage of our website. Look for the Log In/Register button on the righthand side near the top of the page. If you are on a device this will be in small writing.
CLUB MEMBERS - use the log in information you used to register your child for the winter season. NEW TO OUR CLUB - just hit the register button and follow the instructions.
2) Click on the blue Register Now button.
3) Click on the Skills Centre Registration Form.
4) Register your child
Please ignore the holiday programme message. Our Talent Centre is not a holiday programme as it runs during term time.