Western United AFC moves to Friendly Manager

17 Feb

A new year and new path

We have moved away from MyComet with registrations and communications, and welcome Friendly Manager to simplify our processes into one place.  Check out some of the areas that make it easier for you as our Members listed below

Member profile

Club members get their own Friendly Manager login and then have all the information they need about your organisation at their fingertips - dates, times and location for fixtures, events, transportation, uniforms, equipment – all there, anytime, anywhere, on any device. 

Linked members

Friendly Manager makes it easy to link members or contacts. Contacts can login, manage and receive communication on behalf of another member, as a parent would be for a child participant.

Communicate anywhere

Because Friendly Manager is app and cloud-based, you have access to your groups, databases and email building, wherever you are, on whatever device.

Comprehensive security

We know how important it is for your data to be secure online. Friendly Manager is built to OWASP standards. 

Website and app working in sync

Your members can register, login, view up coming events, and stay connected with your FREE website included with Friendly Manager. As you modify information in your Friendly Manager console, you have the ability to publish the information directly to your website.

Independent qualifications

With Friendly Manager you can record member’s accomplishments or awards, and the level or grade they've achieved, which are then viewable in the member's profile.